Today is all about Tucker, our 4 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the same type of dog that the Queen of England has. Tucker was a big support for me during my year of breast cancer; it’s interesting how much solace an animal can provide. First let me say, I was NEVER a dog person until I broke down to the kids demands 4 years ago and got Tucker. I didn’t grow up with a pet, because my mother used to say she wouldn’t let us get a dog, since with 4 kids, she had enough animals in the house (nice, eh?). Now I’m a confirmed dog person, so scary. Please don’t let me turn into one of those people who wears a shirt that says “I love my Pembroke Welsh Corgi.” Holy smokes.
This is in honor of Tucker because:
1. He’s smart as a whip.
2. He is the most entertaining and quirky dog you’ll ever meet.
3. He was by my side every day during this whole year, sitting with his soulful eyes looking sorrowfully at me, seemingly worried about how slowly I was moving and probably wondering why I wasn’t taking him out on very many walks.
4. He really loves me. I feed him, walk him, get him up in the morning, know which bark means he’s hungry vs. which bark means he wants to go out……in other words, I’m his mother.
5. He always provides me with unconditional love, it was always so nice to come home after treatments knowing he’d be anxiously waiting for my return.
6. During my chemo and after my surgeries he would lay on the bed next to me, just close enough to offer comfort, but not so close that he was on top of me, as if he knew I couldn’t handle his weight on me during this time.
This last year he would follow me around the house solicitously, watching my every move. During chemo or after surgery, when I was too sick to get up, he’d run upstairs and lay on the bed next to me, keeping me company all day long, sleeping while I slept. The two of us spent a lot of time together, last year and he kept me good company, with no demands, while I got sicker and sicker, then healed to become healthier and stronger. Wo’man’s best friend indeed.
Pretty cute, isn’t he?
Love those ears!
I totally get this–I love Tucker. He’s so sweet–he has such an affectionate nature. I can see why he helped you through things. He’s a wonderful little guy!
You’re both lucky!
Tucker is lovely 🙂
Gosh, we are so lucky with quiet support at our every turn – in the form of a pet…no words exchanged…just loyalty and devotion…loved your message about Tucker…. nothing replaces that connection. Kudos to Tucker for keeping an
intense eye on you throughout!
There are times in our lives when people just can’t help us (not from lack of trying). When no one else understands what you need, the dog knows best. They pass no judgement, offer no advise, can’t say the wrong thing, and will give you all the unconditional love you need an more. They are amazing! So glad you have Tucker!
What a beautiful doggo!