Today is the first day of Spring and boy am I ready for it!
I bet all of us are because it sure has been a tough winter. I am so excited to get out for a good long walk with Tucker (our Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a la the Queen of England’s pets) later today.
And then I saw a wonderful article on my Google home page first thing this morning, about the benefits of exercise in reducing women’s risk of breast cancer with the headline “Exercise Cuts Breast Cancer Risk For All Women Everywhere!
Talk about a perfect recommendation for a beautiful spring day like today!
It’s a very simple thing, according to this and many other articles I’ve read. Exercise of any kind reduces women’s risk of breast cancer, no matter how old they are, no matter how much they weigh and no matter when they start.
What could be better!
The study involved more than 4 million woman around the world from 1987 to 2013, which is a pretty large group of participants. The study shows that the more active you are, the greater the benefit, but even modest exercise has been shown to reduce risk. The data, from researchers in France was recently presented at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Glasgow, Ireland.
I hope all of my readers will get out there and exercise: take a walk, get out on your bike, go to the gym, or simply do some modest exercise and stretching at home, but do something NOW because it’s one of the only things I’ve ever heard of that can help reduce breast cancer no matter when it’s started. It’s a no-brainer to me.
The study showed that the average reduction in risk of breast cancer when you exercise is 12% but can go as high as 25% with higher and longer levels of activity.
Even women who are post menopause see these benefits so there’s no downside to starting NOW, even if you’re in my age range (ahem…..I like to consider myself to be mid-life, not middle aged; a subtle but important nuance in my mind).
So as soon as I’m done with all my client conference calls, I’m going to be going out for a walk with Tucker on this beautiful Vernal Equinox day (so much better to hear those words, than the words we’ve been bandying about all winter — Polar Vortex)!
What about you? Were you able to get out and about on this beautiful day?
Lois Alter Mark says
This may have been just the inspiration I needed right now! I would go for a walk easily if I had that adorable little Tucker to go with!
Claudia Schmidt says
He really is pretty darned adorable! I’m so happy that we are FINALLY getting some warmer weather, yay Spring! Thanks for stopping by!
Nancy's Point says
As all these studies keep pointing out (like we didn’t know, right?), exercise is vital for so many reasons. The thing they so often don’t address is that it’s not always that simple to just DO. Maybe you saw my fairly recent post on that exact topic… Anyway, I’m thrilled that spring is finally here, though we still have lots of snow to melt where I live. Hubby and I finally joined a health club, but I cannot wait to start taking my dogs for walks on a more frequent basis now that spring is here! Your dog is adorable! Happy spring!
Claudia Schmidt says
It isn’t that simple, I’m so busy and never seem to be able to cram it into my schedule. Work has been nuts lately. So glad spring is here, can’t wait to get some warmer weather and some sunshine, what an annoying winter this has been. I’ll look for your post, may have seen it, but will revisit as I don’t recall. Tucker really is adorable, he’s so sweet and even tempered, too. Enjoy the weekend!
Anonymous says
It’s always good to be reminded of the benefits of regular exercise. Getting started is the hard part. 🙂
Claudia Schmidt says
There are so few things that you can do to prevent breast cancer that when I hear of something concrete like exercise, that’s so simple to do I was just so happy to hear it validated!