When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 I was told by the mammography radiologist that I had dense breasts. This was the first time I had ever heard this and I’d been getting mammograms for 10 years. © Tyler Olson – Fotolia.com In fact, I had never heard of dense breasts before and […]
Search Results for: dense
New Swedish Study Released on Dense Breasts
“The only medicine for suffering, crime and all the other woes of mankind, is wisdom.” –Thomas Huxley There was an article in today’s US News and World Report about dense breasts called Dense Breasts May Be Linked to Cancer Recurrence. It reports on a Swedish study, presented on Wednesday at the European Breast Cancer Conference in […]
Dense Breasts – What You Should Know
“Personally I believe that clinicians should tell women if they have dense breasts, as the sensitivity of conventional screening methods is lower in these settings.” — Dr. Gary Lyman, Duke University Here’s another article on this whole dense breasts issue. Governor Jerry Brown of California just vetoed a bill that would have made it mandatory in […]
More About Dense Breasts
One of the things that has brought people to my blog are those posts that I’ve done on dense breasts, so this posting will go into more detail about this specific characteristic. Because my own breasts were very dense, I’ve had a more convoluted process with my own breast cancer diagnosis and hope that I […]
Dense Breasts
If you haven’t been exposed to the TED site, I would recommend you visit it. It’s fascinating. TED is an organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Now, there are 2 conferences a year and they post short videos […]
What To Expect During A Core Needle Biopsy
This is a throwback post from my caringbridge.org site posting of Wednesday, March 24, 2010, posted about a month after my lumpectomy. After the lumpectomy, my breast surgeon had an MRI done, and a 2nd very small lump in a hard to reach spot in my lower left breast was found. Because of the unusual […]