My personal relationship with the month of October has changed dramatically since I had breast cancer. For me, every month is breast cancer awareness month. I can’t parse out the time of year when I’ll focus on breast cancer; for me, every month, week, day and moment is a reminder of breast cancer and its […]
Making Good Choices
It’s full on empty nest time in our home and I’m in a quandary as I work on figuring out what to do with all the extra time. Before ENT (empty nest time), each day used to start with a cleaning sweep around their upstairs bedrooms and bathroom as I cleared out all the water […]
Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn’t Make Me a Better Person: Book Review
I follow a blogger, Nancy Stordahl, author of the blog Nancy’s Point, who also writes about her experience with breast cancer. Nancy recently wrote and published a memoir titled “Cancer Was Not A Gift and It Didn’t Make Me A Better Person.” Even the title of the memoir is so Nancy, so honest and true, with a healthy dose of […]
Word Of The Day: Meditate
For many years I’ve heard and read about the benefits of meditation and thought it was a practice I should explore. But there was always something standing in my way. I couldn’t find a meditation course in my area or the class schedule was inconvenient, either in the middle of the day or too late at […]
Word Of The Day: Oncologist
It’s that time of year again. Time for my 6 month oncologist appointment update. The hospital kindly sends me this oddly innocuous and rather bland looking reminder postcard shown above, twice a year, and I leave it laying around on the kitchen counter for a few weeks ignoring it and pretending it’s not there until the […]
Parenting a College Student: Balancing Guidance and Independence
My 20 year old daughter who’s living at college, is close enough to come home frequently for 1 or 2 day visits almost every week. When she comes home, I get that same eager feeling I got when she would come home from grammar and high school: giddy, happy, heady with excitement to share time with her. Since […]